In response to the policies of the Bush administration, I now follow politics much more closely than ever before. I became a regular listener of Air America Radio when it began in April 2004. In the Twin Cities metro I listen on 950 AM. The web page and blog are at Air America Radio. And you can listen online at Straight Talk Radio
Additional sources of information include Wendy Wilde's web site, Media Matters for America, Liberal Oasis,and,.
I check the news and weather daily at WCCO in the Twin Cities, both online and Channel 4 television news. Then hop over to KARE 11 to round out the current goings on in the metro area.
I am a member of Minnesota Public Radio. I listen to MPR in the car and frequently visit the MPR web site. My next stops are CNN and MSNBC news.
Free expression of ideas and open sharing of knowledge are critical. The Electronic Frontier Foundation leads the way in fighting censorship and preserving our right to think freely. The Blue Ribbon Campaign supports free speech online. Banned Books Online
The Committee for the Scientific Investigation of the Paranormal site is full of interesting information.
For the Millenium celebration, I enjoyed a leisurely vacation in Acapulco. Planning for travel safety was easy. For truly safe travel, Explore Minnesota offers plenty of fun and interesting things to do much closer to home. Popular Minnesota tourist spots are included on the Nisswa and Brainerd web sites. I sometimes read the news at the Brainerd Daily Dispatch online to keep up with what's going on in that area.
Job's Daughters of Minnesota has a web page. I have neglected the Job's pages in the Friends section of this site, but I will try to work on the Bethel history over the summer.
Many gorgeous pictures of our earth are online at this NASA site. This nighttime shot of the lights around the world is especially cool.
The Dalai Lama visited Minnesota in May 2001. I was able to attend his public address at the University of Minnesota. I was impressed by his point that our future depends upon our ability to have compassion today. He explained that by having compassion for others we help preserve the opportunity for there to be compassion toward us and our world home.
Alcoholics Anonymous
National Institutes of Health
Rational Recovery
Recovery Resources
Serenity Prayer
APA Information
Hare Assessment of Risk
Social Phobia/Anxiety
American Psychological Association
Association for Behavior Analysis
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers
B.F. Skinner
Beck Institute for Cognitive Therapy
Behavior Analyst Certification Board
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension
Minnesota Association for Treatment of Sexual Abusers
National Association of Cognitive Behavioral Therapists
National Alliance for the Mentally Ill
National Depressive and Manic Depressive Association
National Institute of Mental Health
Capitol Punishment
Corrections/Forensics Mental Health Links
Crime Library
Dead Man Walking nun
National Mental Health Association policy position on the death penalty and persons with mental illness
Freemasonry Links
Eastern Star Temple
Minnesota Grand Chapter of the OES
Famous Freemasons
Grand Lodge of Minnesota
Misc Links
Babelfish Translation Page
Bonnie Raitt
EarthCam Web Cams
Wildlife Photographer
Buddhism & Psychology
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cyberspace Psychology
Environmental Psychology
Learning Theory
Psychotherapy and Virtual Therapy
Treatment Techniques
Religion Sites
Atheist Alliance
Bible Gateway
Buddhist Psychotherapy
Dalai Lama
Dinosaur Adventure Land
Freedom From Religion
Pantheism - Emerson
Internet Infidels
Jefferson Bible
Jesus and the UU
Jewish Education Centers
Karmapa Lama
Leaving Christianity
Meditation Handbook
Minnesota Zen Center
Psychology of Religion
Pathways to Enlightenment
Religion Online
Sermon on the Mount
Skeptics Annotated Bible
Skeptics Dictionary
Society for the Scientific Study of Religion
Ten Commandments
Theology Web Site
Tibetan Buddhism
Tibetan Government in Exile
Unitarian Universalist Association
Universal Life Church
Thich Nhat Hanh, a Vietnamese Buddhist monk
Western Wall Cam
World Religions
Zionist Library