Notes, opinions and short essays about the bigger picture.
On 23 July 2002, Fox News ran a story about incoming Freshman at Chapel Hill refusing to read an introduction to the earliest teaching of Islam because they believe it is a very evil religion. The University of North Carolina assigned the book to this year's incoming class for purposes of debate. Are these students afraid to read about something with which they disagree? Why are they unwilling to even debate about it and support their position? What do they think will happen to them by reading it? Is it possible to really understand something we aren't willing to read about and discuss?23 July 2002
Religious Freedom
Organized religion offers a comprehensive life structure; an outline for living and thinking that covers every aspect of existence, which affects health, relationships, family, occupation, everything. Individuals need to give careful consideration to the choices they make. It is important to retain the right of choice. To do that, everyone needs to respect the choices of others, as well as their own.13 August 2002
The world is much too complex for any one answer to be absolutely everything in all cases. And people who see things in such black and white terms develop an inflexibility that makes them difficult to relate to. So, the fundamentalist individual becomes even more limited to their own black and white examples, because there is less opportunity to learn and grow from diverse opinions and alternate examples.
The Roman Catholic Church wasted no time in letting the world know they were excommunicating seven women who wanted to be priests. There was no mention of any immoral or illegal behavior by these women, only their desire to serve the people of their communities. How is it that so many men who are priests can break their vow of celibacy, break the law by molesting children, and break a moral code by being pedophiles, yet still remain priests? How is it that the Catholic church can be so invested in covering for these men and keeping them in the priesthood, while at the same time publicly ousting the apparently upstanding women for just wanting to serve?19 August 2002
To be fair, it is necessary to report all atrocities. US history tends to minimize the impact of Lynching on communities, individuals and families. This is part of our collective past and may continue to affect feelings of safety and security for some Americans. 5 September 2002
Clean Air
What is wrong with some peoples' noses? Do they not notice when others hold their breath and leave the area? People with allergies suffer; headache, sinus pain, etc. Their entire day can be ruined because someone came in wearing perfume. Be respectful, People! A lot of folks are allergic to scents and chemicals. Before you sit down near someone you don't know, ask them if your perfume, cologne or aftershave will bother them. They were there first and shouldn't be the ones having to move to find fresh air. 6 December 2002
Right Thinking
Prayer of Saint Francis of
Lord, make me an instrument of
thy peace!
That where there is hatred, I may
bring love.
That where there is wrong, I may
bring the spirit of forgiveness.
That where there is discord, I may
bring harmony.
That where there is error, I may
bring truth.
That where there is doubt, I may
bring faith.
That where there is despair, I may
bring hope.
That where there are shadows, I
may bring light.
That where there is sadness, I may
bring joy.
Lord, grant that I may seek rather
to comfort, than to be comforted.
To understand, than to be
To love, than to be loved.
12 February
Dramatic Contrast
The islamic leaders in Afghanistan, the Taliban, were so extreme about pictures that they blew up and destroyed ancient statues of the Buddha. The purportedly islamic leader in Iraq, Saddam Hussein, was so extreme about pictures that his image is absolutely everywhere in Iraq. 11 April 2003
The NeoCons: Their conservatism is nothing new.
There is a political movement in America that started during the Reagan presidency. When Pat Robertson apparently forfeited his own political ambitions he used his christian television show to talk politics and encourage listeners to get involved in all levels of local, state and federal government such as local school boards, county elections, etc. He talked of the power their religious/political position would have at just about this point in time. With the boundaries between church and government thus blurred, loyal followers went out and got involved. There has been an impact in many areas of American life. For example, more money is pulled toward homeschooling and private school options which are popular with 700 Club viewers. Public education has taken significant budget cuts, staff reductions and closures. It is time to push back by getting all Americans involved in decision making. Please vote. 16 July 2004
Page created by Ann Zaiser on 15 July 2002. Last updated 16 July 2004. All rights reserved.