I have not written a newsletter for over a year.
My plan is to update these pages and get back to work on the next
newsletter this week. ~Ann, 07/22/02
I'm excited to add several more new names to the list again. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to attend the family reunion this year, but my mother brought a list of names and addresses of folks who'd like to receive these mailings. I've also (gradually) improved my photo scanning and storage skills, so there are a lot of photos on the Family Photos page now. Please take a look. Thanks, Mom! ~Ann, 08/24/01
What started as my family Christmas letter a few years ago, later became a busy-woman's way to share updates on my life with active teenagers. Then, beginning with the 2000 Mabry family reunion report, these letters evolved into extended family communications. In the process of expanding, the mailing list has grown. Below is the list of everyone who received the latest issue. If you think of or hear of someone who is not on this list who would like to be, please get the name and address to me. I'd like to add email addresses for everyone who has one, as well. Also, please let me know if you want to be removed from this list and not receive future mailings. Thanks! ~ Ann 03/21/01
16 March 2001
14 February 2001
9 January 2001
27 July 2000
15 April 2000
23 August 1999
18 July 1999
28 March 1999
1 January 1999
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