This was the first Christmas in a long time that Ann wasn't scheduled to work. With some extra vacation hours it was possible to plan a nice break to celebrate this year.
Ann and the girls got to Grandma's in time for a pre-Christmas Even dinner party with Marion, retired teacher and longtime friend. It was really nice to see her again.
Jo and Ann managed to deflect Samantha's request to open "just one" present early. Christmas Eve morning started with a fabulous brunch with more old friends and Jo's great pancakes. It was fun to catch up on the news about everyone's family and the community.
The girls, however, hurried off to meet Natalie when she got off work. Natalie has a job working at the FleetFarm store and her sisters wanted to catch her for some last minute shopping. Ahhh.... life is so much different when the kids can drive. Ann and Jo stayed home to clean up and prepare for the next activities.
We had every intention of going to the 7:00 pm candlelight service at church on Christmas Even, but when the girls returned we crumbled. Everyone enjoyed opening "just one" present early and we decided to watch the video "Titanic" that Grandma received instead. Church-wear was exchanged for robes and slippers before the "coming previews" were done.
By the end of the three hour movies we were still awake, so Jo, Ann and Natalie ventured out into the single-digit night cold to catch the 11:00 pm candlelight service, too. It's so serene.
It wasn't possible to tell just how many gifts Samantha squeezed while we were gone. She's always been our star package pincher. But this year her present from mom was completely unguessable. It was wrapped in a puffy mailing envelope and the shape was indiscernable. it didn't even rattle when shaken. *grin*
Jo fixed a huge turkey dinner. We lost count but guess that this was probably the 14th turkey dinner she fixed this year. It's the girls' favorite meal and Grandma keeps asking them what they want for dinner.
It was a wonderfully relaxed holiday. There was just enough snow to know it was Christmas. Good health and spirits were enjoyed by all.
Belle, eldest granddaughter of Jo, passed allergy tests with flying colors. She graduated to nasal spray to aid sinus drainage.
Let it hereby be known that in this One Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety-eighth year of our Lord, Joyce Margery Mabry did and to whit put pen to paper, stamp to envelope and with full forthought and intent, did transport and susequently post Christmas cards and greetings well before the Easter season. Said Christmas cards and greetings were, in fact, received by multiple witnesses prior to the Christmas celebration. Joyce Margery is hereby put on notice that she may be subject to strange looks and odd questions by any and all who know her true Christmas card mailng habits. Joyce Margery is further notified that said strange looks and odd questions may, and probably will, be repeated throughout the ensuing Christmas season.
The family mourned the November passing of Sam, the 16 year old gray tiger cat who lived with Jo for many years. His companionship will be greatly missed.
Cats Enjoy Luxury Living
On another front, the cats sometimes outnumber their keepers. Those doing service to these pampered puddies enjoy hours of entertainment watching them roll up in the rug, chase water around the bathtub, rearrange knickknacks, and generally wreak havoc in an already oganizationally challenged environment.
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