Special Summer Issue
The descendents of Leonard & Margery Mabry and Elmer & Thelma Mabry were invited to celebrate their annual family reunion this month. The site of this year's gathering was the community park at the site of the old Kennedy farm and mill. Located beside a peaceful river and small dam, the park offers hiking and biking trails, fishing piers, a nice new shelter with many picnic tables, a grassy yard, ample parking and restrooms.
In attendance for the July 23rd event were several Mabry cousins including Elmer, Berl, Donny, Biana, Betty, and Jo. Representatives of the Leonard Mabry family were Garfield and Betty, Jeff and friend Donna, Jo and Ann. Elmer Mabry family members in attendance included Avis and son Mike; Mabry Family President Brad, his sister Janet & family; Donny & Loretta, Tom & family and Diana, to name a few. Representing Zella's family were Lurene and her grandchildren. In keeping with Mabry reunion tradition, there were four different baked bean recipes and far too much food overall. Potluck dishes extended the length of two picnic tables. Aunt Jo brought the "wrong" wild rice dish, but with promises to make the "right" one next year and offerings of boucoup cookies, all was forgiven.
Upon arrival, Betty, wearing a pretty salmon and white checked blouse, was greeted with a pinning by Avis. Avis quickly adorned Betty's lapel with a handmade corsage of matching salmon gladiolus and baby's breath in honor of Betty's birthday. Betty was also surprised with a birthday cake. The candle-wishing ceremony was interrupted by a warm gentle breeze coming across the river and through the trees, however the cake-cutting ceremony went off without a hitch and the birthday girl gave her stamp of approval to the lemon cake.
After dinner, children gaily bounced water balloons on trampolines crafted from hand-held blankets. With many giggles, one of the boys surprised Uncle Berl with a soaking. Tommy's son Joe is an accomplished wrestler and enjoyed talking wrestling with Jeff, past Osceola High School wrester and speaker of the lingo. Jeff's friend Donna is very nice and easy to talk to and Aunt Jo passed around a funny story, which was enjoyed by all. Brad's T-shirt declared homage to the Manure Movers of America, Local 9817.
Diana shared pictures of Jill and Jim and their kids. Jill has three children and Jim and his wife are expecting their fourth child. Jim's kids are active in 4-H and won several ribbons at the county fair in July, including showing goats and chickens. While laid off from work for the first time in 28 years, Diana has to admit that the timing was pretty good and she has been enjoying the lazy days of summer. She will soon be traveling to South Carolina to accompany Jill on a business trip where Diana will spend luxurious hours on the Atlantic coast in the delightful company of her grandchildren.
The annual family meeting was held right after the passing of the hat. President Brad convened the meeting. Secretary Sue was ill and unable to attend. The family agreed that there is always plenty to eat without having to buy extra meat, as has been the practice. So, starting next year, there will no longer be a collection for meat and pop. Each family will bring their own pop. Coffee and lemonade or kook-aid will be provided. The atmosphere of this year's reunion was remarkably comfortable and relaxed. It was agreed to rend the same park and shelter for $15.00 and hold next year's reunion in the same place. Elections were casual and it was decided that Tommy will be the next President and Diana will be the Secretary.
Listening to the grown ups through the floor grates in Grandma Mabry's bathroom.
Finding a new litter of kittens in the barn at Betty and Gef's.
Watching Stanford show home movies of us on the paneled living room wall at the old farm.
On Sunday, July 23, following the family reunion, Betty's family honored her with a potluck supper at the home of daughter Sue. It was a pleasant sunny day. All members of the immediate family were in attendance; Betty, Garfield, Sue, Jeff, Kari, Eric, Jon, Kim, Jenny, Sam and Dave. Extended family participating included Jo and Ann, cousing Lurene and her grandchildren. At times, Betty had to share the spotlight as guest of honor with Sue's cuddly gray tiger kitty, Isaac, whose lively and playful behavior was enjoyed by all.
Ann was surprised yesterday on her 45th birthday with a delivery of flowers from Belle, Natalie and Natalie's fiance, John. The oversized bouquet contained a tremendous variety of bright flowers of all kinds and colors, including mauve roses, white and yellow lilies, pink carnations, yellow and white wild flowers, blue violets and many more. From the bright yellow lily at the bottom to the brilliant blue phlox at the top, this arrangement caught everyone's eye. Certain that the spoiled cats would eat it if she took it home, Ann was delighted to show off... errrrr..... share this gorgeous display at the Unit nursing station with patients and staff.
Jo and Mary Ann Bierman, daughter of the late Louis and Olive Bierman, spent a weekend in Luck this month visiting old friends and family. A long-time resident of central Minnesota, Mary Ann enjoyed the trip back to her hometown, including a remembrance visit to the cemetery.
On Saturday, June 24, Jo and Ann joined Betty and Susie for a delightful evening of dinner and music in the city. After dinner, the four drove to a parking ramp near Orchestra hall in downtown Minneapolis. The driver, Sue, parked strategically in front of the exit ramp and explained her procedure for a speedy exit ahead of Orchestra Hall traffic. As soon as the violinist put down his bow, the four bolted for the parking garage and beat it down the ramp well ahead of other concertgoers. Sue, a frequent visitor of the Hall, has this maneuver down to a science and even marveled herself at this record-breaking escape.
Pat and Jo, aka "The Grayhound Grandmas", take off in a few days for the land o' desert heat. Ever uncomfortable with the spotlight, the relaxing pair may be glimpsed at poolside hiding behind a best selling novel or incognito posing as tourists out on a stroll. Be on the alert, this arid city has experienced pirate attacks and volcanic eruptions when these two are in town. Folks in the Great Lakes area also need to keep an eye out for possible sightings in the vicinity of Pat & Joseph's boat on Lake Erie. The gadabout grandmothers may bask, sip and read on deck there too before this summer's adventure draws to a close.
This issue of The Family News is dedicated to the outstanding contributions of two very special ladies to the Mabry family bond.
For her thoughtful kindness and consideration for all members of the family, the author honors Norma. Aunt Norma has a remarkable gift for sharing memories. She is able to bring absent members into the room through her frequent references to the person who had to stay home and delightful stories and news told as though in the first person.
The Family News newsletter was inspired by the sometimes annoying but always informative and well-intentioned telephone calls of the late Helene. At the time, this author may not have always appreciated the ever-present camera or the speed with which news traveled when Aunt Helen was on the phone, but in her absence over the past decade it has become clear just how much Helen's efforts served to bring us all together. A frequent host of family gatherings, elder sibling Helene preferred to bear the expense of the long-distance calls and keep us all informed about each other.
It is through these two remarkable women that I know many of you as well as I do; through pictures, shared memories and oral tradition.
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