The Emergent Infrastructure Reconsiders Its Assignment
- A Man
Awakening In The Open Air
- Winter, slightly
- rolls itself
through the brain’s underbrush,
- in the folds of
liberated tea, and in the cemeteries where we laugh
- as
we swim between the dreamer’s thrashing rushes
- and December’s
Russian trenches
- where the
gillyflowers grow.
- And there stands
the violence of father’s diamonds
- more fascinated
and not sea-borne
- like my narrowing
magpie eye
- as the missus
nightly prepares the gazelles
- juicy and crisp
in our memory
- of the ideal
- of the final
- of some old
- of a Trotsky
- on a pony
- doing math.
- His massive head
full of sentimental morning songs
- formed of dog
skeleton wit & the willow
of Mexican dresses
- that cry out for
butter as he is smoothing out his diary pages
- attempting to pry
loose agitating odes from his new Constitution
- and evening out
the blossoms
- upon the
withering blouses
- of all those
local girls
- we will come to
- the Lamps of
- .
Leon’s photograph of the Moscow snow was frightening
- and the little
visiting boy-child (as the wayward girls tear bones from cutlets
- and cart the
remainder to their fathers) dreams
- of smug Surrey
goddesses who turn silver handles clockwise
- to open New
York’s pewter cages
- with pies or
coffee slumbering behind
- waiting for the
mobilization (as the wayward girls tear bones from the cutlets
- and cart the
remainder to their fathers)
- behind the
barracks of his gaze, a philosopher’s cage
- barricaded
against the advent
- of their sodden
milky ways.
- And we come to
call them
- the Lights of
- .
“ A sausage is a sausage is a sausage is a sausage…” He
- then erases
“but we are assuaged and suave,” he writes. Then defaces.
- And while no one
is waiting for the white tourist
- to step out of
the drawing room
- and into that
night’s flaky mille-feuille
- to whisper a
boiled “Christmas thought,”,
- unsteady diagonal
stairs skip down to the water stars
- and to their blue
Spanish corner,
- and to the
Byzantine umbrella carried by an artist
- and to the toy
guillotine of the mayor’s rising son
- and to the Gideon
Bibles being burnt by the rebels
- and to the people
fainting in their front lawns
- grumbling about
Marilyn Monroe, her proud distance kept,
- and to the
cow-bells – affixed with red nooses –
- that ring
acuminate in palmetto wilds and pine fellets
- thousands of
miles away, several careful pages away
- and then erased.
And erased once more to make certain.
- To summon some
ideal Woman who can breathe in roses
- and breathe out
- like blue stars
(as opposed to dumbbells and anchors
- which are the
twin subjects of his newest barrage).
But now like St. Francis feeding the spring-driven birds
- upon his own
vanishing cream and wounds that burn,
- quaint and
perfectly specific and completely comprehensive,
- his cotton voice
soft white white
white calls to his little dog
- « Perdita Hercules! Perdita Hercules! »
- and the swarm
- of gadabout
- of the vindictive
- of the soldiers
in a drugstore buying Old Golds
- of daylight
- of some abashed
waiter in Trieste
- of several
reductive club singers in New York
- of a precise
moment in an imprecise evening
- continues to play
bad balalaika
- by the apple
tree, singing.
- And then erased.
Then erased once more
- To make certain.
- ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________