* the language machine
* The Amsterdam Compiler Kit
* CMPH - C Minimal Perfect Hashing Library
* CodeWorker: a parsing tool and a source code generator
* Compiler Construction
* Excelsior - Products - XDS Family
* flex: The Fast Lexical Analyzer
* GCCWiki - Home Page
* LLnextgen, an Extended LL(1) parser generator
* The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project
* http://www.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/research/modelling/tools/
* Neko VM
* Packrat Parsing and Parsing Expression Grammars
* PLY (Python Lex-Yacc)
* Ragel State Machine Compiler
* Rats!
* re2c Home
* SableCC parser generator
* SimpleParse
* Boost.Spirit Home
* Toy Parser Generator -- A parser generator in Python
* xtc - eXTensible C
* The LEX & YACC Page