Re: new prototype code

brad hokanson (
Fri, 20 Feb 1998 11:55:24 -0600

Message-Id: <l03110700b11373d4a948@[]>
In-Reply-To: <>
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 11:55:24 -0600
To: (David S. Cargo)
From: brad hokanson <>
Subject: Re: new prototype code

Filled in more strings that I could find off code from 11AM today.

>The only things missing are the quotation marks around the strings.

There are some empty quotes, but it seems like that is supposed to happen.

. " "
.c " "
.c.1 " "
.c.1.l "Start here. Click buttons to describe your project"
.c.2 " "
.c.2.l "Select mailboxes to be included in archive."
.c.3 " "
.c.3.l "Archives tab; use to locate and create archives (projects)."
.c.4 " "
.c.4.l "Filters: use to filter content of mail messages to go in archives."
.c.5 " "
.c.5.l "Processing: examines which mailbox goes to which archive."
.c.6 " "
.c.6.l "Use to actually create the archive in HTML; the last step."
.c.hide "You should move your mouse a little. Background parts."
.c.holder "You should move your mouse a little. Background layout."
.framea " "
.framea.desc " "
.framea.desc.check " "
.framea.desc.check.label "These choices should be made before doing
anything else on the archive."
.framea.desc.check.msgdiscard "Click to remove an email message from an
.framea.desc.check.redirect "Click to move a message to another archive"
.framea.desc.check.subrewrite "Click to change the subject in email message." " " "Use this to combine mailboxes to one archive." "These are kinds of archives, based on
number of mailboxes." "Use this many mailboxes, each with an archive." "Use this for simple archives, default mode."
.framea.desc.wd "Describes the working directory. Browse to change."
.framea.desc.wd.entry "The current location for the archive. Default is
local root directory."
.framea.desc.wd.label "The directory is where the archive will be created." "Click to select a new directory by browsing. "
.frameb "You should move your mouse a little. Background parts."
.frameb.n.browse "Click to find the mailbox for the list below."
.frameb.n.add "Click to add this mailbox to the list below."
.frameb.n.delete "Click to remove this mailbox from the list below."
.frameb.n.entry "The name and location of the mailbox to be included in the
archive. Type or browse to change."
.frameb.n.label "Type or browse to change mailbox name."
.frameb.sw "You should move your mouse a little. Background parts."
.frameb.sw.label "Mailboxes that have been selected for the archive."
.framec "Archives tab; use to locate and create archives (projects)."
.framec.nw "Check to perform functions shown."
.framec.nw.options "Check to perform functions shown."
.framec.nw.options.overwrite "Check to overwrite messages with new in
archive." "Check to include mail headers."
.framec.nw.outpath "Name and location of HTML archive."
.framec.nw.outpath.entry "Name and location of HTML archive."
.framec.nw.outpath.label "Label of HTML archive."
.framec.whicharchive "NOT FOUND" "Select the default index for the HTML archive." "Default index by thread of messages; others still
available." "Default index by subject of messages;
others still available." "Default index by date of messages; others still
available." "Default index by author of messages; others still
.framec.whicharchive.newlabel "Type in name of new archive."
.framec.whicharchive.newentry "Type in name of new archive." "Accept the name of the new archive and add
it to the list."
.framec.whicharchive.delete "User to remove a single archive."
.framec.whicharchive.edit "Use to edit a single archive."
.framec.whicharchive.scrl "Use to move up and down in list of archives."
.framed "Filters: use to filter content of mail messages to go in archives."
.framed.e "Processing: examines which mailbox goes to which archive."
.framed.nw "Choose options for the archive."
.framed.nw.delete "Deletes an existing filter."
.framed.nw.edit "Edits a created filter." "Saves the filter after it has been modified."
.framed.sw "NOT USED"
.framed.sw.filterbox "Lists the fiters that have been created."
.framed.sw.label "These are the filters that have been created."
.framede.e.c.andafter "Accepts only those dated after."
.framede.e.c.andbefore "Accepts only those dated before."
.framede.e.c.anydate "Accepts any date through the filter."
.framede.e.c.anymatches "Accepts only those with subject matches."
.framede.e.c.anysubject "Accepts any subject through the filter." "Adds the new filter to the project."
.framede.e.n.newcurrent "Type in the name of the current filter."
.framede.e.n.newentry "Type in the name of the new filter."
.framee "Selects and applies filters to mailbox or archive."
.framee.n "Selects and applies filters to mailbox or archive."
.framee.n.n "Selects and applies filters to mailbox or archive."
.framee.n.n.showbyarchive "Displays project sorted by archive.Click
on mailbox to adjust filters."
.framee.n.n.showbymailbox "Displays project sorted by mailbox. Click
on mailbox to adjust filters." "Dieplays archives names. Click on archive to see attached
mailboxes." "Scroll to see additional elements on list."
.framee.n.nw.scrl "Scroll to see additional elements on list." "Dieplays archives names. Click on archive
to see attached mailboxes." "Dieplays archives names. Click on archive to see
attached mailboxes."
.framee.n.nw "Displays mailbox names.Click on archive to see attached
.framee.n.nw.label "Displays mailbox names.Click on archive to see
attached mailboxes."
.framee.n.nw.mailboxlist "Displays mailbox names.Click on archive to
see attached mailboxes."
.framef "Archives tab, used to make the HTML archive files."
.framef.n "Archives tab, used to make the HTML archive files."
.framef.n.archoptions "Options selected for HTML archive creation."
.framef.n.archoptok "Options selected for HTML archive creation."
.framef.n.filterok "Filters selected for mail cleaning."
.framef.n.filterscreated "Filters selected for mail cleaning."
.framef.n.from "Mail is coming from this mailbox."
.framef.n.fromlabel "Mail is coming from this mailbox."
.framef.n.gen "Check your settings before generating archive. Use tabs to
go back and change."
.framef.n.generate "Click to generate HTML archive."
.framef.n.mailboxok "These mailboxes will be used to create HTML archive."
.framef.n.mailboxselected "These mailboxes will be used to create
HTML archive."
.framef.n.procoptok "Displays processing options selected."
.framef.n.real "Click here to make your finished HTML archive."
.framef.n.test "Click here to make a test HTML arcive locally. Use your
web browser to check." "Mail is going to this archive."
.framef.n.tolabel "Mail is going to this archive."
.macstatus "Brief descriptions of functions appear here."
.macstatus.msg "Brief descriptions of functions appear here."

Brad Hokanson
UC Coordinator
Department of Design, Housing, and Apparel
University of MInnesota, St. Paul.
612.624.4918 voice
612.624.2750 fax