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Lincoln County, Oklahoma

I invite you to enter a query for your Lincoln County ancestors. The facility is now used to post & read new queries. It appears that the search facility is having troubles, don't know what to do about that!
Queries before 1 Oct 1999 can still be read, see below.
PLEASE adhere to the following guidelines:
  1. Your query must have a Lincoln County connection.
  2. Put your ancestor's name(s) in the subject line.
  3. Enter your query information exactly as you want it to appear.
  4. Put your full name and address in the query so you can still be found when you change your e-mail address.
  5. Queries should not be longer than about 10 lines. If you want to show more info I suggest you include a link to a web page with your family tree on it.
  6. Optionally, add you web page address and title in the spaces provided.

PLEASE NOTE: For queries before 1 October 1999, if you change your e-mail address, it would be helpful to tell me so other researchers can still find YOU later.

Enter a New Query or View Queries after 1 October 1999

Below to view old queries, from before 1 October 1999.
Note: Some queries have more than one family name,
so you may have to check more than one section.
(or use your browser text search function,
or use the smart search engine here!)

View Queries A-F View Queries G-L View Queries M-R View Queries S-Z

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This page was last updated .