Announcer: "Hey, lets take a minute and meet Clark Kent, the star of Superman".
Clark Kent: "Chief, believe me your in for a treat, just as soon as Jimmy gets back here".
Perry White: "Great Caesar's ghost! What's holding him up? You know I can't work without a good breakfast!
Clark Kent: Chief, Jimmy's bringing a box of Kellogg's Sugar Smacks.
Perry White: All the more reason for hurrying! Confound it, that boy knows I like those new Sugar Smacks!
Clark Kent: And he knows I do to, that's a cinch.
Jimmy Olsen: Well, here I am.
Perry White: Young man if you've spilled those new Sugar Smacks, you're fired!
Jimmy Olsen: Golly Chief, I haven't opened the box yet! But I'm going to now.
Clark Kent: Well, I guess we all agree on Sugar Smacks.
Clark Kent: Folks, don't wait , get Kellogg's new Sugar Smacks. They're better than ever, puffs of wheat, sugar toasted, and candy sweet.
Clown: You bet! Just get Kellogg's Sugar Smacks, brand new.