Below is a chronological listing of events gathered from various locations that range from scheduled NASA flights to religous "End Time" predictions which include earthquakes and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. As is the nature of prophecy, facts are open to interpretation, hence notice currently there are several dates predicted for the "Second Coming."
The Millennium Calendar is not meant to validate or invalidate any claim but to compile the list and provide a link back (when possible) to the source of the information.
Note: There is now and FAQ (Frequently Asked Question) available.
1998 | Pre-Trib Rapture of the Church Saints Bible Prophecy Corner - M.J. Agee | |
![]() | 1998 - Jun | International Space Station (ISS) Functional Cargo Block (FGB) launch, this would be the first part of the station sent into orbit (New Date 1998-Nov) |
1998 - Aug - 25 | Earthquake - Chicago / Boston - date approximated see source for more details | |
1998 - Sept - 23 | Eruption - New Zealand - date approximated see source for more details | |
1998 - Nov | International Space Station (ISS) Zayra (Functional Cargo Block (FGB)) launch, this would be the first part of the station sent into orbit it provides initial propulsion and power (Rescheduled from 1998-Jun) | |
1999 | Persian, possibly Sadam, overthrown (Nostradamus) | |
![]() | 1999 - Jan - 3 | Mars Polar Lander launch |
1999 - June - 29 | Earthquake - Ecuador / Peru - date approximated see source for more details | |
1999 - July | Bye, Bye New York - "From Sky, comes terrible King" (Russia - Nostradamus) It's interesting to note that in April 1998 Russian officials announced it would begin slowly lowering the Mir's orbit using a Progress cargo spacecraft. Their plan is that it should enter the Earth's atmosphere (ala Skylab) late in 1999, but knowing the problems they've been having... | |
1999 - July - 28 | Lunar Eclipse, hey if the Mir falls now and it hits at night, have your cameras ready. Yes I will feel really bad if this does happen, but I told you so. | |
1999 - Aug - 11 | Total Solar Eclipse - Europe - brushing the U.K, crossing France, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Romania, the Black Sea, Turkey, and on into Asia. Remember that line from Revelations "And the sun became sack cloth?" | |
1999 - Aug - 13 | Earthquake - Los Angeles or Mexico and Japan - date approximated see source for more details | |
1999 - Sept - 10 | Earthquake - Peru / Chile - date approximated see source for more details | |
1999 - Sept - 30 | Second Coming of Jesus Christ predicted by Kirk Nelson using Edgar Cayce's Predictions in correlation with the Christian Bible. | |
1999 - Nov - 13 | Earthquake - Hig Island Hi - date approximated see source for more details | |
![]() | 1999 - Dec - 9 | Mars Polar Lander landing |
1999 - Dec - 31 | Everyone Plays Princes' "1999" for 24 hours straight. (fyi: Friday) | |
2000 - Jan - 1 | The Big Computer Crash | |
2000 - Jan - 21 | Lunar Eclipse | |
2000 - Feb - 8 | Earthquake - Ecuador / Peru - date approximated see source for more details | |
![]() | 1999 - Feb - 29 | Mars Polar Lander end of primary mission |
2000 - Feb - 29 | First Leap Day in a 2000 year | |
2000 - Mar - 30 | Earthquake - San Francisco - date approximated see source for more details | |
2000 - Apr - 2 | Earthquake - Chile / Peru - date approximated see source for more details | |
2000 - May - 5 | Grand Conjunction - Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars | |
2000 - June - 5 | Earthquake - Ecuador / Peru - date approximated see source for more details | |
2000 - July - 16 | Lunar Eclipse | |
2001 | Pleiadean starship lands on Atlantis as it rises from the Bermuda Triangle - Unarius Academy of Science | |
2001 - Jan - 1 | "First Day of the New Millennium" | |
2001 - May - 28 | Beginning of the Tribulation Bible Prophecy Corner - M.J. Agee | |
2001 - June - 21 | Total Solar Eclipse | |
2002 | Charles Manson's next parole hearing | |
2002 - Mar - 14 | Tidal Wave - Hawaii, Japan, China and US West Coast - date approximated see source for more details | |
2002 - Dec - 1 | Tidal Wave - Hawaii - date approximated see source for more details | |
2002 - Dec - 4 | Total Solar Eclipse | |
2003 - April - 24 | Last scheduled flight of Endeavour (STS-132) | |
2003 - June - 12 | Last scheduled flight of Columbia (STS-133, Research Mission) | |
2003 - July - 24 | Last scheduled flight of Discovery (STS-134) | |
2003 - Aug - 28 | Last scheduled flight of Atlantis (STS-135) | |
2003 - Nov - 23 | Total Solar Eclipse | |
![]() | 2003 - Dec | International Space Station (ISS) US Habitation Module, this would be the final stage for completion of the station (New Date 2004-Jan) |
2004 - Jan | International Space Station (ISS) US Habitation Module, this would be the final stage for completion of the station (Rescheduled from 2003-Dec) | |
2004 - Feb - 29 | First Leap Day of New Millennium | |
2004 - Nov 7 | Mid-Tribulation Bible Prophecy Corner - M.J. Agee | |
2005 | End of "Third Anti-Christ" (Nostradamus) | |
2006 - Mar - 29 | Earthquake - Anchorage, Alaska - date approximated see source for more details | |
2007 - Mar - 20 | Earthquake - Tokyo, Japan - date approximated see source for more details | |
2007 - Sept - 12 | End of this Age Bible Prophecy Corner - M.J. Agee | |
2007 - Sept - 13 | Millennial Day of the Lord begins, Feast of Trumpets - Bible Prophecy Corner - M.J. Agee | |
2008 - Apr - 6 | Second Coming of Jesus Christ Bible Prophecy Corner - M.J. Agee | |
2008 - Apr - 21 | Battle of Armageddon begins - Bible Prophecy Corner - M.J. Agee | |
2008 - May - 31 | World Peace Bible Prophecy Corner - M.J. Agee | |
2012 - Dec - 12 | Mayan Calendar Ends - Their civilization officially comes to an end | |
2017 - Aug - 17 | Total Solar Eclipse - North America - Starting at Washington state to the Carolinas | |
2017 - Aug - 25 | Earthquake - Tokyo, Japan - date approximated see source for more details | |
2018 - July - 5 | Earthquake - Charleston, South Carolina - date approximated see source for more details | |
2021 - Dec - 6 | Earthquake - Peru / Chile - date approximated see source for more details | |
2028 - Oct - 26 | Asteroid 1997 XF11 Passes close to Earth, 500,000 miles (aprox. 2.5 the distance to the moon) or 30,000 (less then the distance to the moon) depending on which observation you use. | |
2034 | Second Coming of Jesus Christ Bible Research & Investigation Co - John Denton | |
2240 | Year 6000 in the Jewish calendar | |
3034 | Jubilee Begins lasts 1000 years - Bible Research & Investigation Co - John Denton | |
3797 | World Ends (Nostradamus) |
Created: 1-May-1998, Last updated: 23-July-1998
© 1998.
camilian since 1-May-1998
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