You really want to hear the blues? You go to some dim-lit, low-beamed, broken-backed bar crammed way down along the sidestreets of New Orleans and you find somebody with a name like Hound Dog Taylor, or Blind John Davis, and you make sure his girl's just left him and that's when you'll hear some blues that'll burn your heart down. And don't forget to buy the man a whiskey, straight up, make that a double and hold the olive.
Hey, the blues is thirsty work.
Book of the Week:
Best American Short Stories of the Century, John Updike, ed.
Bailey & Clio
First Day on the Job
The Short Goodbye
Christmas in Europe, 1998
Steve and Nina's Bed & Breakfast
And Now, an International Incident
Brady's Farewell to the Bachelor Life
The Fable of The Faerie Princess and the Boy Who Lost His Way
Chip Howland
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