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 How the South Finally Won the Civil War
And Contols the Political Future of the United States
Now Available from Partners/West 1-800-563-2385
Views the South as a malignant force that has taken
over America. Peter Applebome, Atlanta bureau chief for the New York
Times, in his Times Book, Dixie Rising, How the South Is Shaping
American Values, Politics, and Culture
Nothing but the truth, rare as that is. Edward Dorn U of Colorado, Boulder
I've never seen it all put together this way...the
historical analysis is really fascinating stuff. Bob Quigley, WATR-AM.
Waterbury, Connecticut
A book no public library's history collection
should be without. Mike Finley, Techno-Crazed,
Minneapolis, Minnessota, as posted in
This book will give you insight into our political future at
the mercy of the sons of John Calhoun, "The Marx of the Master Class." This book
will change the way you read American history.
to Order This Book
The Health of Nations : Public Opinion and the Making of American and British Health Policy, by Lawrence Jacobs, PhD
Larry Jacobs is a good friend and poker-playing compatriate -- and one hell of a poli sci professor. For more work by the prolific Dr. Jacobs.
Uses extensive primary research on the formulation of the American Medicare Act of 1965 and the British National Health Service Act of 1946 to explain the sources of contemporary health policy in each country. The study represents an alternative way of understanding policy making in liberal democracy, i.e. investigation into the sources for the differences in legislation produced by two broadly similar countries. Annotation copyright Book News, Inc. Portland, Or.
Chore Wars: How Households Can Share the Work & Keep the Peace
by James Thornton
Paperback, 208 pages
Jim Thornton is one of the funniest men in America, and in this charming book he has provided potential divorce couples with a lifeline to six more months together. All the man has to do is a little vacuuming and, if he's really sincere, make pancakes. Truly fun and useful!
ISBN: 1573240540
Hole in the Water
Robert Kearney
Bob is a copywriter like me. We met at a party at David Mura's apartment about 15 years ago, then met up again last year at Camp du Nord in Ely. This is a suspense novel with little whiffs of Hitchcock and Anatomy of a Murder. It kept me up all night last summer, while the loons outside a-hoo-ha'ed. Good stuff!
ISBN: 0385484305
Also by Robert Kearney: The Warrior Worker, a study of the Korean economy
Creating a Financial Plan : A How-To-Do-It Manual for Librarians (How-To-Do-It Manuals for Libraries, No. 22)
by Betty J. Turock and Andrea Pedolsky
Paperback / Published 1992
Andrea is Harvey's and my agent, and an author in her own write. A better mind for publishing I haven't met.
(Special Order)
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In-House Training and Development Programs
by Andrea Pedolsky (Editor)
Books by Mike's Friends
Anybody who's my friend and writes books get them listed here. And believe me, they wouldn't be my friends unless they wrote great books. Need a new best friend for a week? Any of these good efforts will do. - Mike
The Body Is Water
Julie Schumacher
Julie is one of my younger old friends. We're both writers, but I don't think twelve words aboput writing have escaped us over the course of our friendship. Which is nice. Julie writes with a terrific economy and discipline and restraint about events so real you feel you are watching them through a picture window. This would even be a great winter read.
ISBN: 0380728400
Also by Julie Schumacher:
An Explanation for Chaos, short stories
Night Sale
Richard Broderick
Published by New Rivers Press
Nominated for numerous prestigious awards, this collection was one of the best of 1982. Written by my friend and fellow woodswalker Rich Broderick.
(If Amazon runs out of copies, Rich has two boxes of them in his basement.)
ISBN: 0898230403
Our Bones Are Scattered: The Cawnpore Massacres and the Indian Mutiny of 1857
Andrew Ward
Andy Ward and I wrote our first novels together in New Haven around 1980-1983. His book, The Demon Seed, was a big Kiplingesque adventure story surrounding the massacre of Cawnpore in 1859. This book, a nonfiction title, revisits the same terrain, but in deadly earnest. Highly recommended!
ISBN: 0805024379
Jack and Rochelle : A Holocaust Story of Love and Resistance
Lawrence Sutin (Contributor), Rochelle Sutin, Jack Sutin
Larry Sutin is one of the smartest guys I have ever met, but he also writes with tremendous heart about his parents experiences fighting Nazis behind enemy lines in Poland during WWII. You will be riveted by their story, and that's a Mike Finley guarantee.
ISBN: 1555972438
The Shifting Realities of Philip K. Dick : Selected Literary and Philosophical Writings ~
Usually ships in 24 hours
Lawrence Sutin (Editor) / Paperback / Published 1996
Our Price: $10.40 ~ You Save: $2.60 (20%)
Alison McGhee
Alison McGhee teaches writing at Metropolitan State University in Saint Paul, and is a writer with a wonderful way of telling -- funny and keen and emotionally very true. I heard her read from this novel this spring at The Hungry Mind and she was incredible. Loss is a topic every writer tackles, and few writers can do justice to. Alison is one of the few. I found myself nodding throughout her reading -- that's how right it felt.
ISBN: 1576010066
Forthcoming from Alison McGhee:
Shadow Baby