Vermic |
Face Is A Rose |
Gentle Readers,
- It is Spring once
again! It usually happens every year just about this time. Across the
SuperAmerica parking lot, the tiny niche park is beginning to express its love for
MY world by putting forth precious little fists of blossoms that look like nothing so
much as tiny hearts, all a-flutter with their new-found life. I imagine they beat for me! I
imagine many things...
Great Railway |
® |
Knot in Your Never |
I dream of the trees, and it really does seem
that they DO
dream also of me! How could I doubt it, when all of nature seems poised
to embrace me in her loving wooden arms? And although my ex-husband (Bill
the Bastard) may have left me for a tawdry English Lit. professorette he
fell upon in that phony "intellectual's" mating ball,
Socrate's Sweet Bowl, I can still hold on
to nature's gifts (my terrier Shamylan's warm tongue, the soft greenish fur of
Darkimedes my one-eyed tabby, the heartening and relentless insistence of the
next door neighbor's colic infant, Noctula) as recompense for all the
pain. It is enough (when the last call comes) to be able to say "I
knew where to sit and I sat." How many of us can truly claim that?
® |
Concierge of Affection |
Haiku for a Departed Love |
Agamemnon (Reminisce) |
Surrendering Flutter |
"We expect so much and receive so little," I think Nietzsche
said on the eve of his marriage to the lovely but slutty Ursonka. These
are indeed words to live by, no matter what one means by
"living." So what to do while we await the arrival of
that "Last Train"? Leisurely drinking a demitasse of green tea in the
morning as I read the obits in the BARSTOW DAILY TUMBLEWEED, or watching the sun peeking up at
me over the mansard roofs of the strip mall, or listening to the
profound wisdom of Oprah, as she expounds upon the lithesome beauty of
Julia Roberts (albeit at a somewhat uncomfortable length), and - of course! of course! - sitting down at my vintage "escritoire" to compose
another poem. These little raptures make up the healing moments in a
wounded life. Alas! Alack!
So here are a few of my little "life bandages" which staunch
the flow of blood and bile.
Please do not judge them too harshly, for
poetry is a fragile child of the universe, unlikely to
withstand too
many cruel blows, or to survive a constant deluge of vicious words from
writing class students, or the endless critical blither from
so-called "experts" who know
nothing of the "lavender
spirit which flies through the cerulean confines of the human
soul." Accept them for what they are: tiny packages of one person's
sensitivity sent with care to the
postal box of your eyes. Life is too short for mere
"intellectual wind" which blows no one any
good. Give me the
zephyr, or maybe the sirocco of a brief and rapturous affair beneath the
umbrellas of the elms. Alas! Alack! Etc.
- Your face is a rose
- Untarnished by the vinegar of time
- Or by the brown acid of former friends.*
- Beautiful its odor, bountiful its order,
- Its color like a child's mind
- Blossoming into your heart.
- Your face is a rose,
- A fatal flower of fortune
- Which must lose its petals
- On the cold ground
- Of another's needy weediness.
* Rose Hulot and Tricia Kotaxi; you know whom I'm talking about!
- "I think I can
- I think I can"
- Steams the heart along its rusty track.
- Small towns rush by
- Like a film about a lost America,
- Lost, lost
- In the distance
- We called our love.
- Go ahead
- Drive your golden spike
- Deep into my metal/mettle
- And carry your cows,
- Potatoes, and passengers
- To the Denver
- Or Chicago
- of a new despair.
- I don't care,
- Because
- I KNOW I can,
- I KNOW I can...
KNOT IN YOUR NEVER (a little experiment) |
- The kNot in your nEver.
- The cLeave in your cLever.
- The Little sun
- And the unLittle CANdle.
- The Or in your gOLD
- And the hAND in your hANDle.
- Romeo's in Joliet
- While Juliet blows Rome.
- Give it UP
- Or let me DOWN
- A hOMe is still a hOMe...
- Ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
He sits
In the small unpainted
room of my brow:
First floor
or soleil.
No semi-precious heat
But a sparkling desk bell
And some sour
hard candies
for the local children.
1. Where Are My Jewel CDs?
- Kaos on the shelve
- Between Rick James and Joplin.
- I listen to the jays.
2. Why Didn't You Pay the Last Gas Bill?
- December's wide cold
- The bank's accounted empty
- Frost on the bedstead.
3. A Lovely Dream
- A man with a knife
- Sticking in his fat stomach.
- A woman all smiles.
Agamemnon (Reminisce) |
The gods on the rooftops
rise from some damp dream
like oars and birds
condemned to human tears.
We wait,
white leaves on an altar;
daughters and wives,
as the hound’s shadow
within the lion’s shade.
“In due course”
we say to the young,
“there aresacrificial
and there are established hearts
on the flowered shore
flowing beyond attention,
or dozing like a lazy mouth
in Lemnos
The evidence of fire
Poising in the air!