McGaughey/McGaughy Resources and Family Tree

McGaughey/McGaughy Resources and Family Tree

Much material for the MCGAUGHEY/MCGAUGHY line was graciously provided by
* Lucille (Jopling) Adams (co-author of a book on JOPLING)
* Helen Orr McGaughy
* Polly Sutton (author of two books on MCGAUGHEY/MCGAUGHY)
Researchers of MCGAUGHEY/MCGAUGHY might contact:
Helen Orr McGaughy (address available upon request)
Polly Rachel (McGaughey) Sutton
6001 Brookline Ave. #209
Oklahoma City, OK 73112-4257
Both ladies have an extensive database of these names.
Tree of descendants for William MCGAUGHEY Message Boards for MCGAUGHEY