Hometown Minnesota offers technical workshops to Main Street project managers, economic development staff, and government officials. The workshops address specific topics and provide an opportunity for idea exchange, open discussion, and application of techniques in a small group setting. Hometown typically sponsors three to four workshops per year, and member communities can attend free of additional charge. Workshops are open to non-member communities for a $75 fee.

Technical Assistance
Hometown can provide on-site workshops and technical assistance tailored to your community’s specific downtown revitalization needs. Technical assistance topics include land use, urban design, façade and public realm improvements, organizational or strategic planning, promotional issues, historic preservation, and development strategies. Member communities receive a discount on workshops and technical assistance.

Resources, Specialists, and Other Assistance
Hometown can provide referrals to specialists, grant-writing assistance, and introductions to other programs or organizations. Member communities receive assistance free of charge.

Creating Main Street Programs
Hometown Minnesota will assist communities with creating Main Street programs. Hometown will manage any of the four components of a new program’s first year, including Reconnaissance Visit, a Resource Team visit, and a year-end retreat. First-year program fees are tailored to each community’s needs.


The Four-Point Approach
Services & Programs
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