Welcome to Region Six's web site.
Region Six is one of 20 geographic regions in STARFLEET -- The International Star Trek Fan Association Inc. Our Region consists of the following states: Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Nebraska.
Currently there are six chapters (ships/shuttles) in Region Six. Our chapters participate in many things such as:
-- community service activities (highway cleanup, drives for local food banks, public television pledge drives) -- social activities (parties, conventions, parades)
Each fall we hold a Regional Conference at ValleyCon in Fargo, North Dakota. In addition, we hold a Summit in June at different locations throughout the Region. Both meetings give Region 6 members opportunities to share ideas and concerns, learn about each others' chapters, and (most important) get to know each other.
Please browse the web page and feel free to offer your comments. Just send an e-mail to the webmaster.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Your Regional Web Pages are in the process of being redone by your RC. If you have any suggestions for our New Regional Web Page Please send it to me.
New Summit Guidelines are in the Summit Section.