Appendix A
I mentioned in the intro that the group of four of us got whittled down to just me as Dad, Peter, and Todd each pulled out for various reasons. Dad's unknown medical condition was self-explanatory. Peter's great distance (Seattle) plus Dad's pulling out was understandable. Todd supplied his own list of reasons a week before the event. If you want to vote on whether they're valid or not, the polls will be open for a couple of days. Notice the not-so-solid backbone approach by not even mentioning the real reason for the email in the subject. :-) As if the weather was what really prompted him to write...
-Subject: Interesting Weather
-Date: Fri, 25 Jul 1997 22:04:16 -0500
We had quite an exciting day... a tornado touched down about 2 miles SE of Minot around 3:00 PM but did not cause any damage. I was at work when through the hall there arose such a clatter I sprang to the outside door to see what was the matter.
Anyway, it was quite a sight. I immediately jumped in my car and went to daycare to get Krista (Peter supposedly was with Mom at the mall) only to see that Janet had gotten there and was pulling out. I escorted her home and helped everybody (and any other every thing) get into the basement. The cats seemed less than grateful that we saved them (they just don't understand the sight of a cat's butt sticking out of a telephone pole I guess - I smile at the thought though).
There were about 6 different tornados reported by wanna-be weather spotter-type unprofessional people (that be the newscasters) of the drunks at the local bar spotted 18 of them - but that was because he had done a 1080-degree turn (that be 3 revolutions at 360 :} ).
And Janet doesn't think I have deep thoughts. . . I am a little rusty at writing comical stuff, or writing for that matter - give me some time.
Jeff, I regret to tell you that CANDOISK (this was originally a typo - then it looked to be more like at North Dakota bike ride for Jewish people) or should I say CANDISKI (for Polish people) will not be done by moi this year.
Top ten reasons are (listed in random order)...
7. I suck a lot of air - so it would be prudent for me to not do it so other people will have more.
3. I am currently counseling Mike Tyson (he said he needs somebody to lend him an ear).
9. Due to today's events, I have found my calling. I want to be a toronado chaser ( I think Oldsmobile made those).
4. That darn bike seat.
8. The sight of Gorp will make me barf.
2. The sight of barf will make me Gorp.
6. The pain in a certain part of my anatomy due to #4.
10. My family will miss me soooo much (sob!!!!!). In other words, my wife is starting to whine about having to handle the very contained and quiet children of ours. Out of my love and fond feelings for her I will respectfully respect her wishes. Darn it! I really want to do that great bike ride.
5. I need to use the time to teach Krista to do the Ella Fitzgerald Memorix trick with the wine glass.
1. Due to the state (ALASKA!) of my physical condition (which doesn't exist), I would have to resort to aerodynamical tricks to go on the ride. . . and I refuse to shave and wax my legs.
So there you have it. . . my day in the life of my mind.
Seriously Jeff, I would like to ride the last day (for me it might be my FINAL day) to Garrison with you. Our house is also at your disposal if you run out of patches for your air mattress.
Well, I must go and pick up toys.