Planning, Inc.
2634 Vincent Avenue North
Minneapolis, MN 55411
612-588-2637 - fax
- phone
CR Planning, provides administrative and staff support for Hometown Minnesota, Inc., a non-profit organization dedicated to revitalizing and enhancing the traditional 'Main Street' districts of small communities in Minnesota. CR Planning staff helped create Hometown Minnesota in 1995 when state funding for the Minnesota Main Street Program ended. The six active Main Street communities wished to continue a state-wide organization that provided networking opportunities and technical assistance. CR Planning principals helped establish the 501(c)3 non-profit organization to continue a statewide network of downtown redevelopment advocates, provide economic development and design services, and promote the Main Street approach to planning and development.
Since 1995, communities from across Minnesota have attended Hometown quarterly meetings, providing a venue for technical discussions on design, organization, economic and sustainable development, and marketing and promotion. Topics have included the following:
• Appropriate and sustainable design of historic and unique downtown buildings, transportation routes, and public spaces
• Using artist entrepreneurs to strengthen the downtown and leverage additional private investment in the downtown
• Sustainable economic restructuring of downtown businesses to complement existing commercial strengths
CR Planning staff also acquired a grant from the Minnesota Office of Environmental Assistance to prepare a model downtown plan guidebook for small communities in Greater Minnesota. The guidebook, The Heart of the Community: Sustainable Development and Downtown Planning, includes six integrated elements (Land Use, Transportation, Streetscape, Pollution Prevention, Energy Efficiency, and Development) emphasizing the following planning and development goals:
• Use an inclusive, community-based planning process
• Develop under-used local resources by reusing existing buildings and infrastructure, enhancing transportation assets in the downtown, and preserving small town character
• Increase mixed use development and link other areas with downtown
• Emphasize resource conservation in development and retention efforts through waste reduction, pollution prevention, and energy efficiency
• Proactively address brownfield issues in and around the downtown