Planning, Inc.
2634 Vincent Avenue North
Minneapolis, MN 55411
612-588-2637 - fax
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Becker County Comprehensive Plan
Dakota County Farmland and Natural Area Program Guidelines
North Shore of Lake Superior Land Use Plan
Itasca County Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance
Northern Counties - Framework Land Use Plans & Planning Handbook
Policy Development for the Twin Cities Metro Region Rural Area
Feedlots and Land Use Conflicts Minnesota Statewide GEIS on Animal Agriculture
Rice County Zoning Ordinance
Hometown Minnesota, Inc. Small Town Economic Development and Design
NEMO Integrated Ordinances for Water Quality Protection
Mount Horeb Traditional Neighborhood Design Ordinance
Environmentally Based Planning and Design
West Lake Mille Lacs Buildout Study
Million Solar Roofs
Linn County UDC