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CR Planning, Inc.
2634 Vincent Avenue North
Minneapolis, MN 55411
612-588-2637 - fax
612-588-4904 - phone

URS and CR Planning are currently assisting Rice County, Minnesota in the update of their zoning and subdivision ordinances. The update implements goals of the recently adopted Rice County Comprehensive Land Use Plan, a project funded under a state community-based planning grant. The consultant team is working closely with county staff and the Rice County Board of Commissioners to develop ordinances reflecting the goals of agricultural land protection, directing new population growth to urban areas and villages, and protection of significant water resources. New ordinances provisions include:

• Transfer of development rights from agricultural land to village extension areas
• Limited shoreland planned unit developments
• Village mixed-use districts that encourage infill
• Incentives to provide cluster septic systems and communal wells
• Incentives to expand or establish utility districts
• Licensing of rural businesses
• Access management on county and township roads
• Design standards for rural commercial/industrial nodes near Interstate 35
• Streamlined PUD and subdivision review processes
• Clarification of lot of record and non-conforming use provisions

Client Contact:
Mr. Arlyn Grussing
Planning & Zoning Director Rice Co.
320 3rd Street N.W., Suite 9
Faribault, MN 55021-6145

Project Partners:
Suzanne Rhees
URS Corp.