Planning, Inc.
2634 Vincent Avenue North
Minneapolis, MN 55411
612-588-2637 - fax
- phone
Brian Ross, CR Planning, managed a land use planning process for the Duluth/North Shore Sanitary District (D/NSSD) and Lake County. The planning area, stretching from the Lester River in Duluth to the boundary of Two Harbors along the North Shore of Lake Superior, is to be linked with the regional wastewater system in Duluth. The land use planning process, identified community and stakeholder development and protection priorities. Issues facing the North Shore included: the potential for much higher density residential and commercial development; the impact of lakeshore development on water quality; potential increases in property taxes and subsequent pressure to subdivide; and loss of unique visual landscapes and environmental resources.
The consultants used a community-based process guided by a forty-four-member Steering Committee. Steering Committee members represented geographic areas along the North Shore, local governments, interest groups, and businesses. Multiple outreach methods informed residents of the progress of the project and invited them to participate in public meetings.
CR Planning staff worked with Desotelle Consulting, a local environmental planning and engineering firm, and the Natural Resources Research Institute for Geographic Information Systems (GIS) analysis and mapping.
Background information included a series of maps and analysis identifying natural resources, existing land use regulation, demographic changes, and a build-out scenario under current land use regulation.
Upon completion of the Land Use Plan, the consultants worked with individual units of local government to incorporate the Plan’s goals and policies into local comprehensive plans and regulation. By focusing on those areas of greatest risk from secondary development, North Shore communities took proactive steps to protect community character, sensitive natural areas, and sustainable development opportunities.
Mr. Nelson Thomas
Duluth/North Shore Sanitary District 218-525-5785
Desotelle Consulting
Gerry Sjerven
Natural Resources Research Institute